Friday, August 16, 2019


“Remember where you came from, where you're going, and why you created this mess you got yourself into in the first place.” ― Richard Bach, Illusions

We've all had moments of realization. When you think to yourself what a fine how-do-you-do you've gotten yourself into. Again.

We already know the answers to the questions, since we're the ones that thought them up. Usually in the middle of the night, and they keep us from sleeping. We toss and turn as possible outcomes scroll through our tired brains. Whatever we did that sent us searching, we've done it to ourselves.

Most of our problems that we seek answers to are created innocently enough: spending a little more than we should, having that extra drink, staying up too late, slacking at work. We should be smart enough to know better, but hey - still human. We do these things for crazy reasons, one of which is to show everyone that we're in charge. But then.... we're not. We let them slide: no biggie, we got this. Until we don't.

We know not to let them pile up. They're not dust bunnies under the spare bed. They're living, breathing issues that multiply exponentially. And they reproduce like real rabbits. And then.... we're drowning in fuzzy things that poop. A lot. Then, it's game on.

 We can't keep from creating our own nightmares. The potential for small things to go wrong is wide open. All we can do is mitigate the damage by handling them as they happen. Don't compound the damage by putting all your rabbits in one hutch, so to speak. That poop ain't gonna clean itself up.

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