Friday, January 2, 2015


Day 115. Boredom.

Ah, relationships. Gotta love 'em. Or lack of them, as the case may be. I'm transitioning still, getting used to being widowed but eager to move past that stage. It sounds so... depressing. It could be, if I dwell on it, but I'm not. I'm always thinking forward to what will be, not backward to what is over. I have always known what I don't want: boredom. Which comes from being alone. Not by yourself, but alone.

Boredom between two people doesn't come from being together physically. It comes from being apart mentally and spiritually.” Richard Bach, The Bridge Across Forever.

I differ with Richard in that I believe that people are compatable on three levels: physically, mentally and emotionally. Spiritually and emotionally can be interchanged, I think. I believe that you can barter for two of the three, but you have to be willing to sacrifice boredom to replace the third. You can be attracted to someone physically, they are devoted to your needs but if they are dense as chalk, you can figure something out. The most intellectual person can be the most withdrawn emotionally, but it works with the red hot nights. The wild nights might not happen with the one who always keeps you thinking and never forgets your anniversary, but you make do.

Never pass up an opportunity to spend time with someone who meets your needs on at least two of those levels. You never know what you might find out about them that makes the missing piece irrelevant.

Lesson One Hundred Fifteen: Life is only boring if you let it be.

615 to go...

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