Sunday, May 1, 2016

Cloudy, with a chance of rain...

Pretty much sums up the week.... I'd make the excuse I had nothing to write about, but actually I've been nursing a sore knee/thigh/something that keep me off the PC a lot. But it's better with the rest, as usually is the case.

I'm okay with the rain, it's way more beneficial than harmful. Imagine what the world would be like without it. Just take a look at the Middle East, most of Africa. A dry wasteland, people moving constantly chasing food and water, a battle for survival. I read a lot of post-apocalyptic books, and all of them deal with a lack of drinkable water as a major issue. Even when the planet is destroyed by floods, it's always the water they need to survive.

The rain also puts most of us in a mood. If you're a happy soul, you get frustrated when you can't go outside and do things. If you happen to be someone who suffers any sort of depression, it drives you further down the rabbit hole. It doesn't take much to turn sadness into a serious funk: dark and stormy weather certainly never helps.

Enjoy the rain, if you can. And remember: it can't rain forever.

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