Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Day 40. Prayer.

We often seek out God's assistance in our times of need. We look to Him for answers when life is difficult, for comfort when the events of the day have taken their toll. Sometimes we forget that He is always there, always just a prayer away, even when we don't realize we need Him.

Some people are afraid to reach for God for the small things. They think He doesn't want bothered with requests for help with an exam, or needing confidence for a big speech at work. They worry that He won't hear their pleas to help stretch the budget just a little further this month, to not let the car repairs break the bank. But He is always listening.

I admit I forget to pray sometimes. I forget just how close God is, all the time. He is right there beside us. He knows the things we need, even if we don't remember to ask for them. I believe He often waits until we ask for His help before He steps in. We shouldn't hesitate, but we do. We wait until the last minute, and then go to our knees for His help. And He never lets us down. We might not always get what we pray for, but its what He intends to happen.

I quoted this before on the blog, but it fits today as well: When we fall, one of two things happens. God catches us, or gives us wings. In really bad times, I know He catches us. He caught me a few times. We are sometimes weaker than other times, and He knows we can't make it on our own two feet. He knows we need His shoulder to lean on. Then gradually, we build our self-confidence. We learn to walk on our own, and then He gives us our wings. After we earn them, part of which involves asking Him for help.

Lesson Forty: Do you struggle through situations instead of turning them over to God? Have you ever reached out in desperate prayer, only to realize He was there all along? Think about the times you needed Him most, and remember He already knew it. He was just waiting on you to realize it.

Special prayers for a friend's daughter, please. One can never have too many people praying for them. Thanks. :)

690 to go...

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