Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Day 99. Character.

What does not kill us strengthens us, isn't that how it goes? God never gives us more than we can handle. We are stronger than we know. All good sayings about building character, all true. It's not always the character we have that's important, sometimes it's the character that is lacking.

Character comes from following our highest sense of right, from trusting ideas without being sure they’ll work. Richard Bach: One.

Life is hard. In fact, it sucks out loud sometimes. God intended it that way. Nothing gained easily is worth much, we must sacrifice many things to top the highest mountains. We have to decide for ourselves what we want, and how to get it. Without trampling on the rest of the world that's clamoring to the peaks as well. That's when character comes into play.

Some of us are happy to stay at the lower elevations. Not feeling the need to climb into the thinner air, we're happy to build our houses in the valleys. Or we've been to the peaks and didn't like the view, so we came back down and live on the edge of the grandeur. Our characters have shown us to be adequate when it comes to the easier things, but we're not always meant for tougher times.

Then there's those who reach for the sky. Every day. Even when it's cold and snowy and the wind is blowing against them, they keep climbing. Especially when things get rough, when it seems they're all alone, when backs are turned to them for reasons they can't always make sense of, they keep climbing. Trusting in God to see them to their goal, they continue the progress towards the top. Because their character demands it.

Lesson Ninety Nine: Don't be a quitter.

631 to go...

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