Friday, December 19, 2014


Day 101. Knowledge.

It's said that knowledge is power. If that's true, then we are doomed. Because we know that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When those who know how to obtain power to be able to rule over those who do not, we're on the road to hell on a pretty speedy train, with front row seats to doom.

What matters is how I use what I know, every minute of every day; how I use it to remember, in the midst of the game. Richard Bach, Running from Safety.

We have to keep our wits about us, all the time. There's twists and turns in life that don't allow us to sit and think about things for any length of time. We have to be reflexive and make choices on the fly. Life will indeed pass us by if we don't. It will also trample us like a mad crowd, not caring that we were out of breath or had a charleyhorse was why we weren't running with everyone else.

The Christmas season just enhances the madness. People running from store to store, stressing over buying the perfect gift. Company parties, church Christmas programs, all this combines into the perfect storm. A storm where many forget the reason we celebrate on December 25. It isn't about the gifts. It isn't about the parties. Strange enough, it's about knowledge. And power.

The Son of God wasn't born to just any woman. Mary had been prepared to give birth to the King of Kings, she was given advance knowledge by an angel. As was her husband Joseph: they both were aware that the Messiah, God's own Son, would come to the world during their pilgrimage. Armed with that knowledge, which was no light burden I am sure, they made their journey across the desert. On a late December night, they sought shelter, but found none. The crowds of people returning to their birthplaces too many, the young couple found safe haven in a lowly stable.

One would think an all-powerful God would pick a better place to have His Son come into the world, but the stable was perfect. God knew the lesson of humility would be remembered, as it is today. The most powerful, yet completely selfless, person ever born on Earth, opened his eyes to see himself surrounded by humble villagers and animals. Jesus was born unto the world with two people having the knowledge of who he was, yet over two thousand years later a majority of people alive today believe in his Salvation.

Wise men hurried to the scene, dispatched days before in search of a babe that would fulfill prophecy. Shepherds saw the brilliant star in the night, and journeyed to see the miracle they knew would be there. They knew their search wasn't over, it was just beginning.

Lesson One Hundred One: Don't get caught up in everything around you and forget what's important. People.

629 to go...

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