Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Day 98. Compassion.

How easy it is to be compassionate when it's yourself you see in trouble. Richard Bach: Illusions.

As a result of the choices made in life, people find themselves with hands out and head lowered, humbled by the grace of others. Some would think it's much easier to be the giver of compassion than the recipient. I beg to differ. I think the burden is on the ones called to be compassionate, and they are sometimes not the angels we believe.

Are things done for the good of those we seek to help, or are they merely playing a role in which the Devil himself cast them? Hearts not completely pure, some seek acknowledgement of their actions, for their own ends. The means of which can shatter a life that has been placed into their hands with delicate care, by someone who placed trust where there might've been doubt. Where a heart was laid bare for the world to see, they trusted the door would remain closed until the wounds had healed.

Instead, they now sit on the sidelines of their interrupted life, their broken dream. Waiting for God alone to heal that wound, one they knowingly opened. Willingly, they chanced a future that seemed out of reach. Now crushed, they reach out hesitantly, yet again. Because no matter how many times dreams get shattered, how many times that wound gets ripped open, they know God's plan for them is not ended.

He never gives up on anyone.

Lesson Ninety Eight: Have you given up on someone that was counting on you, and later realized you made a mistake? Did you believe no one would notice but them? Think about when you need someone, if they'll really be there, if they can be trusted with your heart. Realize that everything you think you knew could be wrong.

632 to go...

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