Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Day 78. Blessings

As we wind down the days until Thanksgiving, we begin to think about the blessings we've been given. And earned. Nothing good comes without work, and sometimes even that isn't enough to guarantee a positive outcome.

There’s no disaster that can’t become a blessing, and no blessing that can’t become a disaster. Richard Bach: One.

Despite our best paid plans, our hard work, sometimes in the end we just simply do not get what we want. We wonder why, when we did all we could, do we end up wanting more. I try and look at disasters as just another step towards the end result I'm after, not the actual result itself. It's only one more mountain of wreckage to climb, right? Too many people focus on the obstacle in the way, and don't even bother to notice the other paths around it. And who wants to count their disasters?

I am blessed to have a family that, despite our differences, is always there when it matters. I am blessed to have many friends that, even though we may never meet, we are as close as family. I am blessed to have a decent job that I like, that pays the bills and then some. I am blessed to have just enough of what I need to make me happy, and being able to share with others.

That's really all that matters on Thanksgiving, isn't it? The blessings. Well, that and the stuffing.

Lesson Seventy Eight: Do you tend to focus on the negative things that happen, instead of rejoicing at the good? Does your life seem to attract more bad than good, and do you let that control you? Think about the blessings you have. No, really, you do have more of them than you realize. Then remember that the disasters are of your own creation, and work to turn them into blessings.

Happy Thanksgiving, my readers.

652 to go...

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