Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Day 62. Frustrations.

Short post today, my aggravation level is high.

Dealing with other people's crap. That's half of life's frustrations. Most of what we deal with is because of other's screwups or inactions. Not saying we don't make mistakes of our own, but "cleanup on aisle 7" isn't as funny when it affects your life constantly.

It probably happens at work more than anywhere. Someone else takes the easy road, leaving out details that make your part of the job harder. Things that should be done in advance are put off until there's an emergency and panic ensues. In my first aviation job, we changed the name from Maintenance Control to Maintenance Chaos. We didn't act in advance, we reacted.

I could make a list of hundreds of examples where drama created by others has done nothing but frustrate me. Daily, it seems. I try not to dwell on them, but sometime it just gets more than I can take.

Lesson Sixty Two: Don't be a dick.

668 to go...

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