Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 6

Day 6...

Okay, enough with the depressing stuff. We've talked about people we loved and lost, people we wish we'd never met. Events that made us smile, events that made us cry. Let's move on to what these things combined mean for us.

Original lesson, from Illusions: Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.

I choose to honor the memories of those I loved that have passed before me by trying to be the best I can be. I choose to teach others about my experiences with love, in the hope that their hearts will be open and they too can know how it feels to be ALL IN. I choose to place the events in perspective, knowing that all good times and the heights we reach may be shattered like glass with a stone. I choose to learn from both happy and sad, not letting one take my spirit too high nor the other too low. 

In one of Richard Bach's other novels, he speaks of relationships and how he believes they can be successful. Never two balloons. Never two anvils. One of each is required. Balance. I believe you can have that and still be ALL IN. It takes work, but anything great is worth it.

I've had the chance to love on many levels. Family. Friends. Children. Spouse. All different, yet all the same. Love doesn't come easy in any form, the tests get harder as we move through the phases. Yet if we learn from the people we love (and the people we don't), if we learn from the events that worked out for us (and the ones that didn't go so well), it gets easier.

Remember your first love, probably when you were a teenager? You thought nothing could ever compare, yet when it ended (if it did) you thought you'd never get over it. Yet, here you stand. Remember your first win at sports? How about your first loss? Yep, got over them both, didn't you? You brought new people, new events into your life.

Lesson Six: What do you choose? Do you take what you gained from the people that you brought into your life and apply it to future relationships? Did you learn from past events to work harder, try a different approach when you start something new? Or did you choose to wipe them all from your slate, and try anew? You have that choice, you know. It's up to you. 

724 days left...

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