Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Oh, hi! Got your attention, I see...

I'd like to talk about boobs for a bit. They really annoy me. I don't like them very much. I think they're stupid and useless things. They come in all different sizes, but I have no use for any of them.

Wait... you probably think I meant "boobs" as in "women's breasts." Nah, I was talking about real boobs. Stupid people. Idiots. Those that muster outrage at two television talking heads over supposed slights at a woman, yet allow obvious misogyny to continue in the next breath.

I just have one question for those who would have those two men drummed off the stage: why is it also acceptable for someone to highlight another woman flying a military jet for the UK and it be perfectly fine?

I mean really, why are you not shocked and disgusted that she was singled out as a FEMALE fighter jet pilot? Have we not come so far in our struggles as women that we can't BE fighter jet pilots without someone drawing attention to it? Where the outrage at the GALL that someone would have to MENTION that the pilot was female? Can't we be expected to perform at the level of male pilots, and not have to have our BOOBS distract everyone from the fact that we are capable WOMEN? Why a special article about a FEMALE pilot with BOOBS, why can't she just be referred to as a PILOT?!?!?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Hypocrisy. It's what's for dinner.

If anyone ever expects to be treated equally, we have to also stop the whole "glass ceiling", "first woman XXX", "first female WHATEVER".... we have to be judged on our merits, not our BOOBS. I won't settle for being the best "woman", I want to be the best. Period. Leave my BOOBS out of it. 

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